Artwork Carnival (2022-Present) Stay-at-Home Order (2020) Figures and Plates (2018-2020) Foreign Bodies (2013-2017) 16 Case Studies of the Grattan Osteoclast (2014-2015) The Oval Portrait (2014) ChaNorth (2012-2013) Santa Fe Art Institute (2011, 2013) Woodside (2012) Vessels (2000-2012) Cordiform Permutation (2008) Pareidolia (2008) Reattachment (2008) Pareidolia Series (2006-2008) Timekeeper (2007) Pareidolia Commissions (2006-2007) Early Pareidolia (2002) Kinky Drawing Club(2016-2020) Vanitas (2017-2019) Get One Free (2018) There Is No Component Information for This Result (2018) Godbottom Triptych (2018) The Asylum Studies (2016-2017) Milagros (2015) Somaphony (2015) Dissipation-Driven Adaptation of Matter (2014) Private Eye (2011) Mushroom Camera (2009) Pinhole/Scanner (2005) Laboratories (1995-2005) Early Composites (2002) Ceramic Machines (1997-1998)